Monday, September 05, 2005

Of art, food and weddings ...

Well, it has been another interesting weekend.

I apologise for not updating my blog lately, but I’ve been suffering from tiredness … I just can’t seem to shake it either.

Anyhow, this weekend I had two interesting experiences.

On Saturday night, I went to an art exhibition. An “Art Provocateur” exhibition, to be exact. There were some interesting exhibitions, from photos from a BDSM ball, to drawings of BDSM scenes, some interesting pencil drawings of Xena and Gabrielle getting it on, a Latex curtain, dolls in birdcages, and some paintings that to describe will have my blog banned in 23 different countries.

There were also live performances held at this exhibition. A lovely lady performed a suspension. Her partner had carefully tied her up in a lovely red-silk rope and then suspended her from a large winch hook. Now, regardless if you’re into that sort of thing or not, the style, theatrics and overall effect were spectacular. You also have to admire a woman who is willing to place herself in a vulnerable public position and especially in light of the fact that she was afraid of heights … major Kudo’s to her!

The other exhibition, well, lets just say I have no idea what the point was. Perhaps I’m a BDSM Luddite and therefore could not understand the little intricacies of the performance, or maybe it was just plain boring.

This exhibition involved a all-but-naked woman donning a WWII gas mask and a black strap-on, being taped (yes, taped, as in gaffa) by a man in leather chaps, a leather mask and a cage around his member.

So, he taped, alternating between gaffa, plastic strips, masking, “fragile” packing tape and “wet paint” tape. First her arms, then her legs … and so on and so forth for hours … no, I mean it, I don’t mean it felt like hours, it was … starting at about 7-ish by 11, he had just finished the arms … I later heard that when they kicked everyone out at just past midnight, they went to a hotel room and kept taping (yes that’s all – taping) till 6 AM!

The only thing that sort-of kept my interest before I fell into a coma was the woman (slave) kneeling on the ground next to this couple who would bark (almost naturally) and try to bite the donger that the taping girl would wave in her face occasionally.

The dog-girls master was languished across a table above her slave, in a lovely revealing slinky black dress. Would have been interesting to see her do something – anything – rather than languish there and pout, looking for all the world like a smile would kill her. She was rather tasty though.

Anyhow, after my friends used the cattle-prod woke me from my stupor, we drove down to Fitzroy and enjoyed a phenomenal meal at Madame SouSou. Good food, good booze and good company … the way a meal should be.

Sunday morning was hectic. Being father’s day, and having a wedding to go to, as well as needing to get my usual tasks done (you know – dry cleaning, basic shopping, return faulty goods, etc) was too much. We rushed around like maniacs, missed the church event, had the car get stuck in fifth gear (broken cog), organised a spare from my brother-in-laws dad, had a fathers day lunch, got changed, drive to the reception (not before getting lost!) and finally made it in a little late, but before the bridal party came in.

It was a good Italian wedding reception too, the food was divine (and even though I come from an Italian background, still too many courses!) and did I mention plentiful? The company on the table was friendly, jovial and extremely light-hearted.

The bride and groom were stunning and so happy, that at one point I was sure that the only reason they were still smiling was that they had smiling-muscle-cramps.

So, after a pleasant night of dancing, eating, drinking, joking and general festivities, I finally made it home at about a tad before two am.

This morning I had to drive back up to Tullamarine (which, for those that don’t know, is clear across town – approx 70-odd kilometres along the interconnecting freeways) to where my car had broken down and was left overnight. After waiting for the tow truck (for damn near two-hours!) I organised for it to be towed to the Mazda dealership … and it will probably be a week (two?) before I get it back.

So, that’s been my weekend. It can only get better from here, right?

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