Sunday, July 31, 2005

You know you're old when ...

Sitting at a cafe today, I was sippin' on a (with Lime!) and contemplating my navel when I overheard a conversation occurring at the next table.

I truly wont bore you with the verbal diarrhea that spouted like some form of craptacular fountain centerpiece, but you can just imagine the usual banter that is formulated by a barely adolescent, loaded pack of males. There was the usual big noting, tales of macho toughness and, of course, the obligatory feats of conquest. All of which had a distinct "Dear , I always thought your letters were made up until ..." feel to them.

Which got me to thinking, there's only a tad over a decade between those guys and myself, but it might as well be an .

Although I barely feel my age either emotionally or physically, mentally, it's a whole other story.

I've come to realise that my view of the world, my perceptions of people, and my own reflections of thoughts and ideas has dramatically altered from the heady days of my youth.

All of this is a natural progression of growing up. It is not to say I think (or act!) like an old fuddy-duddy, but I have come to realise that there are certain signs that highlight you've reached an age where you can foreseeably begin to say, "shit! I'm getting old!"

The first time I realised this was about a year ago.

I was driving down the central lane of the freeway, heading into the city for some dinner and drinks with friends when I was accosted by an old '68 in front of me crawling along at 60Km/h.

Traffic was heavier than normal on this day, and as spaces in the adjoining lanes did not avail themselves, my frustration grew. I flashed my lights, honked my horn, yelled obscenities in three different languages and even cursed the drivers entire lineage - all to nil effect.

The in the corner of the rear windscreen gave me the clue that I wasn't dealing with the usual octarian Sunday driver, which only ballooned my frustration further.

Finally a break in the traffic allowed me to skirt around the offending vehicle. As I passed the clunker, I see the young male driver with a dreamy look on his face, and (presumably) his girlfriend's head pops up for air from between his lap.

I'm ashamed to say, my first thought was "does he realise how dangerous that is while driving?"

With that thought, I realised my mind had crossed that milestone. I had become "old".

Since that fateful day, I have become more attuned to other signs of this phenomena. Some examples to highlight my point:
  • It is becoming increasingly difficult to discern from a glance the difference between youths of fifteen and eighteen.
  • I find myself thinking how "we wouldn't have gotten away with that" way too many times
  • I'm constantly shocked to find a fifteen year old driving alongside me. I then realise they are sporting a P-Plate, and therefore must be at least eighteen
  • Worse - they have no P-plate and therefore must be at least twenty-one
  • I'm constantly depressed when I realise that "" (or for the rest of you) that just sauntered past was the same age as me.
  • Worse - she was younger.
  • I find I'd rather a more mature woman than a "young and firm" specimen, because you can't buy experience.
  • I'd prefer a slow sip of with a fine than a pack of smokes and a few rounds of cheap .
  • You start to catch up with friends only at marriages and funerals.

Oh, trust me, there are other signs, but at this stage my beer was being diluted by my tears for a carefree youth gone by. It's true what George Bernard Shaw says, youth is wasted on the young.

At this point I realised that while growing old seems to be compulsory, growing up is not, so, I ordered a few rounds of cheap bourbon and forgot about my age for another day.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

All your base are belong to us

In A.D. 2101 War was beginning.
Captain: What happen ?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb.
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What !
Operator: Main screen turn on.
Captain: It's You !!
Cats: How are you gentlemen !!
Cats: You are on the way to destruction.

Enter the world of a tiny inside joke that exploded into a popular internet phenomenon.

The "" craze is explored on this sight in some detail, from the game it originated from, the video that started it, the parodies, the photos and sites where has been snuck in. It's all here.


Friday, July 29, 2005

There goes the Moral Stance.mp3

Well, this last week has been extremely interesting for those watching the music industry - two points in particular that came up were apparently unrelated (unless you think like me).

The first article is that SonyBMG was caught with their pants around their ankles as they faced the music (sorry, but the bad pun had to be made!) for bribing radio station employees with vacations, electronics and other expensive gifts, provided giveaways for radio station contests and even paid operational expenses for radio stations to give its songs more airtime.

The Payola case came to light thanks to New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, who launched the investigation. Sony settled the case for $US 10 Million.

The second was the release of a study by UK firm that confirms what I've known all along - people who regularly share or download music illegally, typically spend over 4 times more on legal music downloads than other music fans.

Yeop, that's right ... over 400% more! So, they may download, but they buy more.

I know that I would not have discovered nor purchased over half of my extensive (and overpriced) CD collection if it wasn't for the mp3 phenomenon.

The study surveyed more than 600 music fans who each own a PC or Mac as well as a mobile phone. Those pirates who regularly download or share unlicensed music and spend less as a result on Cd's also spend an average of £5.52 ($A 13.16) per month on legal digital music. The average music fan spends just £1.27 ($A 3.03) on digital tracks.

Paul Brindley, director of The Leading Question states:

The 2005 Speakerbox research clearly shows that music fans who break piracy laws are highly valuable customers. It also points out that they are eager to adopt legitimate music services in the future. So far, the music industry has tried to get these pirates on-side by taking them to court, but there need to be plenty of carrots alongside the sticks. Legal actions are making something of an impact but unlicensed file sharing will never be eradicated. The smart response is to capitalise on the power of the p2p networks themselves to entice consumers into more attractive legal
I, for one, agree and find it highly ironic that the moral clause utilised by these firms is so hypocritical in light of the payola scandal. Let's be honest, how many were truly shocked? We all know it's happening, it's just that someone finally got caught.

So, let's get a grip shall we?

Here's a new idea! Why don't you come out and talk to the fans? Ask them what they want? Work with them to work out a happy medium?

Oh, I know, the execs are already going to go and find some research that shows that a percentile of the p2p market don't buy any music and just steal it ... well, guess what guys, they wouldn't anyway ... they are the same ones who sat there and taped it off the radio, copied their mates collection, etc. That's never going to go away ... get a grip, and focus on the majority of people who are willing to give up their hard earned cash to pay 900% more for a single than the artist themselves are actually getting.

Payola Story related Links

MP3 Story related Links

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Making war on the Public

It is becoming increasingly obvious as every day passes that the entire point of the "war on terrorism" has nothing to do with protecting the public from terrorism, but a great deal to reinforce the idea of illimitable federal power.

I've touched on this before in a .

The latest news is doing nothing to dissuade this idea either.

A perfect example of what we can expect here in Australia is from the case of a 67 year old woman who faces a year in prison and $100,000 in fines for allegedly assaulting a federal airport security screener after the officer grabbed the woman's breast as part of their standard procedures (see the full story ""). From my recent interstate trips, I can tell you, the Airport security staff are just itching to get this form of power ...

We have heard about installing a grid of CCTV cameras across the country, introducing a national identity card, suggestions of a shoot to kill policy, increased spying on citizens, increased ASIO powers and (in)directly attacking the Muslim community.

I for one would like to know when the the war on terrorism boiled down to the war on Islamic ideology and the removal of citizens rights in favor of a police state?

The media must also take responsibility for most of the hysteria that is currently being generated. When did the art of journalism stop being about the objective view of the news as opposed to sensationalised, one-sided, rating grabs? When did portraying an extremist Muslim sheik's comments become the view of the entire Muslim community?

If that's the angle, then why aren't the views of right-wing-christian fanatics the voice of the entire christian community?

Ah, it's all just hot air ... Nostradamus was right ... anyone have a hitchhikers device? Time for me to leave this insane rock ...


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Wasting time ...

Bored? Looking to kill an afternoon?

Well, look no further! I have your right here!

Let's start by asking, have you ever wondered what you would look like as a ?

Well, with the wondrous wonders of internet web browsing and flash technology, you can see yourself (and your loved ones) in the South Park Setting!

Oh, I know it's completely useless, but it is lots of fun! (That's me on the left and my partner on the right). Actually, if you're a South Park fan, there's quite a few games on the site. But beware ... it will waste away an arvo ...

not your thing? More of an / type yourself?

Well, check out the ! With such classic online quotes such as:

  • #5020
    <iban>when i was your age all i had was a mac, and photoshop
    <iban>if i wanted an online gf i had to draw her
  • #5273
    <erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my apartment it is.
  • #180081
    <kylev> hahahahaha
    <kylev> some girl just came onto our floor
    <kylev> and was yelling "sexual favors for anyone who does my sociology paper"
    <kylev> i just asked her what the paper was about
    <kylev> and she said the accomplishments and growth of feminism
    <`Neo> bahahahaha

If you can't waste an afternoon with these two activities, then there's no helping you ...


Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I've been a little on the heavy side lately, and I realise that we sometimes need some form of light entertainment.

Have you ever tried to imagine what your favorite movies would be like if they had to be shown in 30 seconds? How about if they also had to be re-enacted by bunnies alone?

Well Wonder no more!

Enter the world of and discover the joys of your all time favorite movies in a whole new light.

While on the topics of Bunnies, check out the blog. I especially found the treatise on whether you were on a with a guy that may (or may not) be gay highly amusing, but that's just me ...


Monday, July 25, 2005

Turning ordinary people into suicide bombers

I read an interesting article today, "The Ordinary Bombers" by Michael Bond (p18, issue 2509, New Scientist Magazine, 23 July 2005).

It talks about the psychology of suicide bombers. How, study after study has shown that suicide terrorists are usually more affluent than average for their community, usually better educated, rarely suicidal (in the pathological sense) and rarely have symptoms of mental illness, drug or alcohol abuse.

Damn, sounds like most of us - doesn't it?

I remember years ago I studied up a fair bit about cult and cult-like mentality and the use of methodologies such as Large Group Awareness Training (LGAT) [Someone remind me to rant about this in a future post]. It seems that militant groups utilise a similar but opposite methodology (SGAT?) similar to those used to train kamikaze pilots during WWII.

According to the author:
The sense of duty to a small group of peers that the process creates can, they say, turn just about anyone into a potential suicide bomber: the crucial factor is not the psychology of the individual, but that of the group.
Apparently, virtually every suicide attack in modern times has been conceived and managed by militant groups utilising these same methods:
First, find people, usually young and male, who are sympathetic to the group’s cause and organise them into small units. Second, exploit their motivation to fight for the cause using religious or political indoctrination, emphasising the heroic nature of their mission and the nobility of self-sacrifice. Third, have all members of the unit make a pact declaring their commitment to what they are about to do. Beyond this point, it becomes psychologically very hard for them to back out.
The article finishes with a hard to swallow but all too honest paragraph:
The immediate reaction to suicide bombers is to label them as animals, or inherently evil. But this will not do. Blowing themselves up in a crowd is often the first evil thing these people have done. And they are not animals. The most difficult thing of all is to recognise that suicide bombers are, alas, all too human.

Like I said, hard to swallow. In today's day and age, it's often hard for us to recognize that these people are human, and may very well have been ... influenced ... to create acts of such despicability.

I think that we (in the global sense) have entered a vicious circle where one side is constantly vilifying the other, retaliating, and then the other repeats the same pattern ...

It's not a pretty thought, and one that will very quickly bring us towards the vision of Nostradamus unless we can somehow begin to see both sides of the picture and realise that we are fighting for interpretations more than causes.

Well, that's all for me ...


Sunday, July 24, 2005

of pram Nazis and vicious parents

This entry will disturb most parents - please do not read further if you have or are planning to have children.

I've spoken of this before. Parents expect society to keep a look out for their offspring.

It's true everywhere you go!

Today, I'm down at the local Border's Store ... and as is my want on a quiet Sunday afternoon, I like to grab a few mags and books that interest me, climb up to the third floor, sit on the couch and drink a hot chai as I peruse their contents.

Well, wouldn't you know it? It seems the call went out for every breeding female within a 20-mile radius to load up their kids into the prams, and converge onto the tiny bookshop cafe.

Every walkway, every space between chairs, tables, couches, along the checkout and across the bookstore was strewn with prams like some form of new-age battlefield tanks converging onto the last known whereabouts of Osama bin laden.

The attitude that accompanies the mothers of our future is phenomenal as well!

They'll slam their pram into your ankles and shins and then look at you with disdain as they request your absence from their path with a tone that suggests that you should have seen them coming, and made the effort to move out of their way since they do have the responsibility to carry the young and you're obviously naught but a selfish man for not carrying a similar tiny-screaming-puking-shit-machine in a hammock on your back!

Any-hows, I managed to avoid severe bruising of shins or breakages of ankles as I maneuvered my way to what seemed like a set of vacant ottomans to one corner. Well, there were a set of books in one corner (on the floor), no-one around them, no-one on them, nothing that laid claim to them ... so? Vacant.

I begin to clear the books off the floor, and re-arrange the ottomans to allow my partner and I to sit and try to enjoy our Sunday afternoon, regardless of the aforementioned screaming-puking-shitting-complaining-whining-"I want! I want! I want!"-foot stamping-machines we were surrounded by.

It's at this time, one of those lovely breeding creatures comes running up to us and declaring that we've stolen her seats, and how dare we throw her kids out or some nonsensical bullshit.

I explain, there were no markers, no-one was here, etc ... she says that her kids went running off and she was ordering coffee and we shouldn't have taken the seats.


When did I become the guardian of your spoilt little brats?

Why the fuck should my life be messed about because you can't learn to look after the spoilt fruit of your rotten loins?

Why should I have to step gingerly around hormone volatile women who because they decided to spread their legs and be inseminated by the seed that has sprouted into a demonic child that has now caused them to be completely stressed out and is the cause for the ruination of their lives?

You want to know why I don't care? Why it's not my problem? Why you should drop the attitude? Let me tell you, it's because:
  • I don't remember signing a petition asking you to give birth
  • I didn't force you to not use contraceptives
  • I didn't force you to have a child when you weren't ready
  • I didn't impregnate you
  • I didn't stop you from having an abortion
  • I didn't force you to give up your career
  • I didn't ask you to have more kids
  • I didn't force your partner to work more hours to support the extra mouths
  • I didn't kick your no good partner out of the house

There. Simple.

You had the kids. You learn to deal with them. You take responsibility for them.

I decided not to have kids. That was a conscious choice based on all the factors of what they entail. Including the fact that they would be my responsibility and not society's at large.

If you disagree, give me your name and number, and within 24 hours, I can have a squad of four children all under the age of 6 at your doorstep. My sister would love for you to look after them for the next 4-10 years.

Thank god for Xanax ...


Saturday, July 23, 2005

it's Saturday night - go watch a movie

It's my parent's anniversary and I'm obligated to go over and enjoy the evening surrounded by my nephews, nieces, sibling and Italian parentage. Oh happiness and joy really ... so, no rant for me tonight.

Take on some of Phil's advice and go watch a movie.


Friday, July 22, 2005

Beautiful Graffiti

I almost missed out on an entry today ... too tired to rant about anything, but this is a nice sojourn - see the works of contemporary art produced with a spray can on a public space.


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Eau de Ostalgie

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, there have been a number of Ostalgie products released to perhaps encourage a far too sentimental image of the defunct German Democratic Republic (East Germany) - another one of those regimes which shot those who tried to escape. Regardless, the books, films, music, food and drink inspired by the GDR nostalgia continue and the thirst for Ostalgie persists.

Those desperate for a whiff of them ol' days can now get Communism in a can!

Yes, for only €3.98 you too can own ... a tin of exhaust fumes from the socialistic pride of the ubiquitous two-stroke engined East German car known as the Trabant.

Being sold as a brand new (non cosmetic) Trabant perfume, "Trabi Duft", is the latest in a seemingly unending line of Ostalgie products coming out. The producers of eau de Trabant, say it remains the closest people will get to recapturing the true smell of East Germany!

But, remember, don't get too close to the past ... or you could stay there ...

It's not that opening a can of Trabi Duft will make you ill as each can is stuffed with cotton wool which simultaneously captures the distinctive aroma and filters out any toxic particles ... but still, I wouldn't stick my nose in too deep, nor open the can in the living-room.

The smell can linger for 14 days and you might have real trouble with your partner if you do that ...

So why wait? Get your can today!


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Men are pigs

Maybe I'm a lesbian in a man's body? It would make sense ... I like comfortable shoes (yes, I own a pair of hush-puppies), I can be rather aggressive about my points of view, I like women, I do the growl with absolute perfection ... and I think all men are pigs!

Even as a male ... I am disgusted by the state of other men. One of the most disgusting things you'll ever have to accomplish in your life is to enter a men's public toilet and try to do your business! I mean, the smell alone is enough to clog your pipes!

Even if you can brave that distinctive aroma, then you need to be able to traverse the floor Indiana Jones style to avoid stepping in the copious pools of urine. This is where it becomes interesting ...

If you need to check the pipes, then you head to and reach the urinals at which point, especially during peak hours, you need to be as fast as the Flash to simultaneously drain your lizard and avoid getting sprayed or directly urinated on by the friendly chaps on either side of you who feel that a urinal is a communal chat board!

Then, if you need to give birth to a middle-manager, life reaches a whole new level in the game. So, you've swung Indiana style across the floor, and reached an available cubicle ... it's now time for the mystery of the cubicle! Think Monty's doors held surprises? Na-ah! Let's see what we have today?

Can you guess how disgusted you can be?

Will the bowl be filled with the last occupants proud work, unflushed and on display?

Perhaps they also felt the cubicle was dirty and thus decided to wash it down ... with their urine?

Maybe they decided the walls need a makeover and decorated it with all sorts of ... artifacts?

Or maybe the previous occupant was hit with a sudden and uncontrollable epileptic fit, which is why their waste products are on the seat, on the floor, in fact everywhere, but the bowl!

Seriously, ladies, this is something you probably will never go through ... unless you enter the domain of the expulsion challenged that is a male public toilet!

Now you know why Xanax is my friend ...


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Two Ideas

Tonight, I can't write anything ... instead, I'm going to let you in on a secret ... Two Ideas, the blog.

It's probably the funniest blog I've read ... and the ideas are an addictive roller-coaster ride of extreme intelligence and downright silliness.

Although, some might be worth taking into production ... like Tinfoil-lined Wallets, or extreme Sushi ... mmmm ... extreme sushi!


Monday, July 18, 2005

When the spam hits the fan!

I was bored and debating what to talk about tonight. So, when I couldn't decide, I chose to ask a couple of friends, one who pointed me to the BBC news article that triggered this diatribe.


I am the financial controller of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). I got your Contact address from an associate working with the Nigerian Export Promotion Council. I and my colleagues are officials in charge of offshore remittance in this Corporation (NNPC).

We are seeking your assistance to transfer of Forty Two Million (US$42,000,000.00) to your account for further private investment.

Everyone has seen at least one of these types of e-mails in their pop box.

This insidiously ridiculous type of spam is commonly known as four-one-nines after the Nigerian criminal code that prohibits such practices. Their basic premise is to attract greedy or gullible investors who are invited to hand over money or bank account details on the promise of large future payments, which (funnily enough) never arrive.

Well, for at least one set of scammers, the tables were turned as the scam fell on them. BBC News World Edition recent news article on this situation reported that :
A court in Nigeria has sentenced a woman to two and a half years in prison for her part in the country's biggest ever international fraud case.

The arrests and persecution are being hailed a victory by the Economic & Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) of Nigeria. This organisation has been trying to cleanup the world-wide reputation of it's nation, as well as the ... well, let me leave it in their own words from the website:
The EFCC will curb the menace of corruption that constitutes the cog in the wheel of progress; protect national and foreign investments in the country; imbue the spirit of hard work in the citizenry and discourage ill gotten wealth; identify illegally acquired wealth and confiscate it; build an upright workforce in both public and private sectors of the economy and; contribute to the global war against financial crimes.
Of course, there are other ways to deal with these perpetrators. You can always follow the safe, sensible and friendly advice of The 419 Coalition, or then there's the fun way ... Scambaiting.

If you've never heard of it before, scam baiters pretend to be willing victims who turn the tables on the 419 spammers and slowly draw their newly found prey into an oft lengthy discourse, for a number of purposes, from the mere desire to waste the scammers' time, seeking to embarrass them, hoping to cause them to reveal information which can be passed on to authorities, or simply (and quite commonly) to amuse the baiter.

On this line, one common goal of scam baiting has become the photographic trophy. The scammers are goaded or cajoled by the victims into having a picture taken of themselves while holding specific signs, holding certain poses and, if at all possible, with some form of ridiculous prop.

Some scambaiters have also managed to send the scammers to a Western Union office to collect the supposedly sent money, get them to book hotels for them or even succeeded in receiving cash from the fraudsters themselves.

Some of the more amusing techniques utilised include giving the scammers a long, silly questionnaire to fill out, filling up the scammers inboxes with large attachments, making scammers call the baiters back on the telephone (usually utilising anonymous VOIP numbers) to waste their time and money and, ofcourse, hacking into the scammers' email accounts in order to find their victims' addresses, in order to send them warning letters.

A recent technique that was developed is called an "ASEM bait" (Accidentally Sent E-Mail). The aim is to fool the scammer into believing that the scambaiter has accidentally sent an e-mail to them when the "victim" is actually intending to send the e-mail to another scammer.

In my humble opinion, one of the best sites for this phenomena is the 419 Eater. Check it out for an afternoon waster ...


Sunday, July 17, 2005

When customer Service was more than a catchphrase

Today, I took a trip down to the local Coles Supermarket, did the usual to-ing and fro-ing among the aisles, and lined up along the as-always understaffed checkouts in the usual flock-of-sheep style lines.

At first impression, the girl behind the "express" checkout (identified by a name-tag of "Jade") was like every other minimum wage teenager across the country trying to scrape up some pocket money while balancing study and a youthful social life.

However, the most amazing thing happened. She provided a level of customer service that I haven't experienced since the days of Coles New World nearly two decades ago! It was such a shock, that it actually left me speechless ... if only for the briefest of times.

She was polite, provided pleasantly light conversation, scanned the items quickly and skillfully ... and ... actually packed the goods in the correct way ... fragiles (bread, eggs) together, cans in a separate bag, fruits and vegetables in another, cold goods together ...


Why is this amazing? I mean, has the basic level of service dropped so far that we take it as granted that when someone does a simple job like the aforementioned young woman, that we consider this an exemplary act that must be praised?

Twenty years ago as a teenager entering the workforce of Coles New World (as it was still known back then) I was subjected to nearly a full fortnight of training prior to being allowed to grace the services of the public on the "front end".

This training consisted of actually having to walk around the store and remember where items where located. Spending a few days in the produce department to be able to identify differing fruits and vegetables. Spending another day in the Deli to understand the concepts of hygiene and food handling. Learning to separate a shop and pack in groups of "like products".

This was standard training above and beyond the concept of dealing with a register, committing to memory a range of department and product codes (this was just prior to the introduction of scanners!) and the standard dealing with cheques, vouchers and cards.

It was exactly the same when I later defected to join Safeway ... in fact, they were probably more intense about it ... although that could be due to the management programme I was part of.

These days, it's not unusual to see new starters shoved directly onto the front line with nary a days training and a plaintive plea for understanding from the customers via the cardboard learners plate proffered at the entrance to the checkout.

I am forever re-arranging the products in the "packed" bags - removing the soap flakes box from the frozen goods, taking the soft-loaf bread out from under a bag of oranges, placing the eggs above the cans ...

... and perhaps it is the failing education system that means that they cannot work out basic English phrases such as "Good afternoon, having a pleasant day?" as opposed to "So, you busy doin' much today?" ... and don't get me started on the concepts of basic arithmetic.

So, I've gone on about the supermarket, but the same concepts are occurring around us in every business and service that we utilise ... training is almost obliterated from the ranks of the minimum wagers ... how can we expect a certain level of service if the management of these establishments are more worried about the savings of a few days wages as opposed to the satisfaction of the customers?

I dare say that the working conditions these people would be under would suggest that the incentive for them to provide common courtesy is a hard ask when they are unhappy and placed in a difficult position between unhappy customers and uncaring corporations.

It's a state of decay that will only worsen. The new Industrial Relations laws may actually be the proverbial straw on the camels back.


Well, those corporations that don't realise the strategic value of common concepts such as customer service and satisfaction, will utilise the new laws to further streamline operational costs, reducing the lowest common denominator of their staff skill, dropping service levels even further ... and before they've realised it, have driven off their customer base.

The smart organisations, however, will leverage the IR laws and maintain wages, increasing levels as an internal award system for each level of training attained, bonuses provided for positive customer feedback received, etc ... these will energise their staff, motivate them to provide the best service and offerings and drive customer satisfaction and attraction.

Remember, customers are driven by many things, but service is always expected ... even from the lowliest of budget conscious shoppers.

That's all from me today ...


Saturday, July 16, 2005

Terrorism "will not change our way of life" and the loss of freedom

This is a politically charged and scathing diatribe on the state of terrorism and the western world's response to it. Please do not read this if you are severely patriotic, absurdly racist, frantically extremist or in any way biased. It may cause offense. Also, it will be quite long winded and boring.

Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, the western world has truly tasted fear and the horror of terrorism.

Although the acts of terrorism have been a daily part of the lives of many middle-eastern, eastern European, sub-continent and south-east Asian populations ... this was the first time that the west was hit - or so the media reports went. So the Trio of the willing (President Bush, Prime Minister Blair and Prime Minister Howard) would like us to believe.

Technically, that's not true either... The IRA attacks perpetrated on England for many years were considered acts of terrorism - as were the acts of the Kurdistan Workers' Party across Europe (primarily Germany).

The people of the US in particular were caught by surprise by the attacks. Apparently, the US Government were also surprised. They didn't realise there was such a huge anti-US sentiment. Didn't they? Let's look at the five years prior to the Twin-Tower attacks:

  • In 1996, there were 296 acts of international terrorism with 314 persons killed and 2,912 wounded. 23 US citizens died and 510 were wounded. Approximately 25% (73) were anti-US attacks.
  • During 1997 there were 304 acts of international terrorism. 221 persons died and 693 were wounded. Seven US citizens died and 21 were wounded. Approximately 33% of the attacks (101) were against US targets.
  • There were 273 international terrorist attacks during 1998. The total number of persons killed or wounded in terrorist attacks, was the highest on record: 741 persons died, and 5,952 persons suffered injuries. Twelve US citizens died, eleven other US citizens were wounded. About 41% of the attacks (111) were directed against US targets.
  • In 1999, 392 international terrorist attacks occurred. 233 persons were killed and 706 were wounded. Terrorists targeted U.S. interests in 169 (44%) of attacks.
  • There were 426 international terrorist attacks in 2000. 409 persons were killed and 791 were wounded. 21 US citizens were killed. Terrorists targeted U.S. interests in 200 (47%) of attacks.

Does anyone else except me see an emerging pattern here? An ever increasing rate of attacks against "US interests" ... 2001 also saw 346 international terrorist attacks of which (twin-towers not included) nearly 52% were targeted U.S. interests.

It's also interesting to note that since 1968 (when the United States Government began keeping such statistics) more than 7,000 terrorist bombings have occurred worldwide ... and not once, with each of the US citizens being killed, nor with the huge death toll that was being mounted with each statistical report at the end of each year, did the US government ever decree to wage a "war on terror".

Was it so unimaginable to these people that terrorism would strike their homeland? Considering that all of the statistics laid out above come from the Patterns of Global Terrorism reports from the Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, US Department of State ... I think not.

However, all that said, it's not the main thrust of my rant today ... My issue is with the resultant loss of freedom, the actual change to our lives that have been perpetrated by this trio of the willing in the name of the War on Terror.

We've all felt it - the increased stupidity at Airports (no, not just the confiscation of the keyring nail clippers - but severe fines for bad "terrorist related" humour), the introduction of questioning laws which supersede civil liberty rights, the talks of introducing national identity cards, the ability to keep track of which library books you borrow as a "pro-active" surveillance ... the list goes on.

If we are truly not going to allow terrorists to affect our way of life, then when are the governments going to stop doing so?

Come on, get a grip ... all that any of these laws do, is make it a 1984 society for the common folk ... and in absolutely no way hampers those sick minds that wish to perpetrate terror. Instead, why don't the holy trinity of the willing look at what is the cause of over half of the worlds terrorist attacks to be aimed at them and try to resolve those issues?

Time for my Xanax ...

For more information on this topic, check other great links such as :

Friday, July 15, 2005

of neutered men's egos and prosthetic testicles


I'm not the only one who's mad!

The world is becoming stranger and stranger ... the damned lowest common denominator is getting lower, and there is nothing we can do about it!

I was recently made aware of a "new" product on the market - Nueticals.

What are Nueticals? Well, in the simplest of terms - prosthetic testicles for your pet.

Yes, that's right, you didn't mis-read, cosmetic testicles for your beloved ball of fur.


Well, according to the the website, the reason for purchasing a set of Testicular Implantation For Pets is that:
The 200 year-old traditional form of altering used on family pets includes the permanent removal of the pet's testicles. Many caring pet owners hesitate or even to refuse to neuter their pets because of this. Neuticles eliminates 'neuter-hesitant' concerns - as a 'Neuticled' pet looks exactly the same after surgery.
Personally, I think the market comes from the poor, misguided, "my pet is a reflection of me" type, male owners of these animals.

They can't stand the thought of their poor mate losing his tackle. Even though there are a string of research articles and stacks of evidence that prove it is not only beneficial (health and behaviour wise) and that, for the most part (if done at the right age), they won't know the difference, they'll say things like "yeah, but I just want him to have something to lick".

Pathetic really. This is best indicated by the following quote from Peter Neville, author of "Pet Sex: The Rude Facts of Life for the Family Dog, Cat and Rabbit":
Often the wife is quite relaxed about having the dog castrated [...] But the husband, fuelled by feelings of sympathy and empathy and, perhaps, the feeling that he could be next, digs his heels in to fight to keep the dog's testicles where they are: on the dog.
Not to be outdone by the simple concept of a prosthetic testicle, the company provides Nueticals that
are now available for any-sized canine, feline, equine, bull or any neutered pet
in a variety of sizes and models including
NeuticleOriginals (rigid firmness) NeuticleNatural (natural firmness) and Neuticles UltraPLUS
and all are made so that they replicate
the animals testicle in size, shape, weight and feel.
So the only question I have left now is "UltraPlus"?

So, there you have it! What more can one say? I thought so ...


P.S. I have also seen these referred to as Neutricles on the web if you're seeking more information.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

of resignations, counter-offers and conferences

Of Resignations
So, this morning I walked in and handed my official letter of resignation to the illustrious leader. CB wasn't there, so I didn't have to see her, not that i would have regardless ... but anyhow, I walked in, sat down, presented my "thanks for the fish" version of my resignation letter ... and was moved in a heart-wrenching moment to tears as he proclaims (and, yes, this is verbatim):

Well, you have been here for four years which will look respectable on your CV, and it's not like we haven't gotten our money's worth out of you. So thank you and good luck.
That sentimental old fool, really knows how to tug at your heart-strings and make you feel like a used two-dollar hooker ...

Meanwhile, I spent all day fielding congratulation messages from colleagues, phone calls and e-mails from people far and wide both from within and outside of the corporation, it's truly amazing how fast that grapevine can run!

Of Counter-Offers
Last night (as per my previous post) I decided that I would stay in Melbourne and take the local offer. So, I put together an e-mail and sent out notices to the other offers and to those whose interview process cycles I had not completed as of yet.

So, as the saying goes, when it rains - it pours. As I complete the said e-mails, I get a call from a friend of mine in the nerd-herding game who tells me he has the perfect opportunity for me ... sorry mac, got a role or three I say, usual congratulatory small-talk, and we're off again ...

Then I get a call from an outside contender. They've only spoken to me over the phone until now, but upon hearing that I'll be out of the market, decided to ramp up the process - overnight to an eight am meet and greet this morning!

I say there's no need, don't want to waste your time, probably couldn't meet the ca$h any-hows ... they say how much, I give figure, they say we can still talk ...

So, this morning, we talked. We starbucked. We talked some more. They organised for me to speak to members of their architecture team, their EA and their CIO ... all of which was very nice and worthwhile and appreciated, but in the end, solely affirmed my resolve that for the long term of my career, I was right to choose the offer I had chosen last night.

It hurts to actively decline a whole lot of dollars ... not just one or two G's, but tens of G's ... it really, really, really does.

Of Conferences
As part of my self-development plan, I'm sending myself off to Sydney for the Enterprise Architecture conference. It's going to cost a lot (especially after giving up so many dollars) but will be worth it from a learning curve and networking standpoint. I'm sure I'll discuss this in a lot more detail in my other blog.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Freedom approaches!

Hooray, Hooray! Today is a fine day!

Today is the day that I received, not one, not two, but THREE fully fledged, one-hundred percent, top-notch, all-expenses paid, in black and white (with a swag of supporting materials) job offers!

Now, of course, all I have to do is choose between them ... do I take the role with the HUGE cash offer, but have no work-life balance for at least 18 months and move to country NSW? Or take the role with less cash now, but a guaranteed money train future and move to Canberra? Or do I go for the middle of the road option that has a full "build up that career" option, and stay in Melbourne?

Either way, while I deliberate, I had to write the resignation letter. The first one was quite lengthy - two and half A4 pages that can best be described as Homer Simpson, driving across the bridge, pouring gasoline as he goes and tossing a match over his shoulder ...

The second was an abridged version of the above fitting in a single A4 page ... the final one (that will be presented in the morning) is a short, sweet "thanks for all the fish" style half-pager.

So ... now to decide ... I think I'm going to stay in Melbourne ...

Yeop. I'll let you know if I change my mind overnight ...

Now, I just have to survive the next four weeks!


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Hard Rubbish Collections

So, I had to go into my doctor's office this morning for them to withdraw a substantial amount of blood out of my arm for tests - more on that some other time - but this little road trip brought something to my attention. The local council has called a hard rubbish collection day.

Now, the general idea of a hard rubbish day, is that once or twice a year, if you have a small amount of odd stuff lying about that by rights can't go into a standard bin and should go to the tip, but there isn't enough to warrant a trip to said tip, the council will bring round a couple of big trucks to your area, grab said offending materials, and (surprise, surprise) take them to the tip for you!

Now, I'm not going to rant on about what an appropriate amount of junk left out the front of your place on the nature strip should be ... instead, I'm going to rant on about the quality of the material left out on said strips.

As I said, my little road trip today had me pass numerous piles across numerous strips. What really surprised me, at first, was the amount of lounge suites dumped out there ... obviously, the economy must be doing well if that many are (assumedly) buying new suites and tossing out the old ... but that aside, most of the suites were still quite structurally and aesthetically (not making comments on peoples choices of fabrics, etc) sound.

The next thing item that struck me was old kids toys, bikes, and other miscellaneous knick-knacks (that I'm sure the unscrupulous flea marketeers are going to be pleased with this evening as they perform their midnight runs) that seemed to be in fine working order.

Sure. I could go on about the wastage that the western society lifestyle breeds ... but really the main question here is - why didn't they call the Salvation Army, Brotherhood of St Laurence or any of the other such organisations out there that could utilise this potential bounty for their charity or Op Shop selling ventures?

Worst case scenario, they would have said, heck, leave it out on the strip.

That's all, the Xanax is calling ...


Monday, July 11, 2005

of 40 Km/h School Zones and Internet censorship

This entry will disturb most parents - please do not read further if you have or are planning to have children.

There is a growing trend that disturbs me - parents are relying on society to raise their children.
It's not just the odd example either, it's everywhere you go. Everything you do is somehow affected by this ever increasing trend.

Now, I know that in the long forgotten past of our species we lived in cave communities and that we, as primitive cave dwelling folk, tended to look after all the offspring as a collective. However, I'd like to point out that, with the obvious exceptions, we have moved on from there.

If you decide to have a child, then bloody well look after the fscking thing!

If you decided to give you're little brat a computer and internet access, without supervising them, utilising net nanny or some other form of content filter then tough titties if they stumble across a porn site and ask you embarrassing or difficult questions.

Would you give your kid $100.00 and let them walk around the CBD? Heck for a cool C-note they can access a lot more from the local 7-11 or newsagent than they can from anything online. Heck, should we go and close down every legitimate business out there that differs from your set of personal values and beliefs?

So it is with School Zones, why should I have my trip to work extended by up to 40 minutes because the kids may not watch what they're doing and run across the road? Why should I look out for your offspring in case they leap over the roadside barriers? Why shouldn't natural evolution, pure Darwinian theory play out in this situation?


Another thing ... when you take your brats with you to restaurants, or reception centers, or any other public forum, it is your responsibility to maintain them - not the relatives that you've invited out with you, not the waiting staff, not the people at the next table ... YOU!

While we're on this topic, not everyone at said location thinks that your child causing a racket in the corner 'cause they don't have their favorite toy or didn't get the chocolate dessert or whatever is "just part of kids growing up", nor is it amusing to us when we're on the dance-floor and you're misbegotten spawn runs underfoot and it definitely is not funny when they grab a tablecloth and rip down a table setting! These all affect OUR enjoyment of the evening.

So no more excuses. If you can't or wont look after your spawn, then the answer is simple.
  1. Don't have them. Either utilise contraceptives like the PILL and CONDOMS or simply go get the SNIP. I really don't care which way you go. Just make sure it works.
  2. Give your kids away. They can be adopted out, sold on the black market, sent out to the mines ... the choices are endless.
  3. Join a cult. They always have interesting uses for kids, and also mind altering techniques

... well the list is endless really ... but now it's time for my Xanax.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sunday Mornin' Blues

Well, it's another grand Melbourne Winter Sunday Morning. The sun shines down through the breaks in the storm clouds as they glide across the sky marching onwards towards the Gippsland valleys and across the straight.

In twenty-four hours time I'll be sitting in my cubicle, wishing I wasn't. I'm between roles at the moment ... for the last three-odd years I've been accomplishing a role that sits between the positions of an IT Architect, Senior Technical Analyst, Project Manager, Mentor and Gimp. Due to the frustrations I've expressed in an earlier post, the Software Development manager offered to transfer me into one of his teams as a Systems Architect. Well, in theory at least - the title will still be Senior A/P, the pay doesn't change and the architecture is important and will need to be done, but only after the team is rebuilt and the support issues go away ... maybe in a year or so ... we can't rush these things, you know!

So, I've been looking for work outside of my current locale. Well, technically I've been looking for about 6 months with any real effort. In the last two, I've expanded the border to take in opportunities from across the country.

This strategy has proven simultaneously fruitful and tiring. I have received requests and opportunities from everywhere! With a selection including three active roles in Canberra, five in Sydney, one in Perth, one in Wollongong, a few in Melbourne, two in Brisbane ...

That's great, don't get me wrong, but have you any idea how tiring it gets to go to work, do your 'normal' thing, try and not let on you're seeking and complete a minimum of eight interviews a week? For the record, it's stressful, exhausting and drives the anxiety levels right up.

It's no wonder, in hindsight, that Friday turned out the way it did.

I was called on Wednesday evening and asked if I would mind going up to Wollongong/Port Kembla for a final interview for one of the roles I had applied to. I naturally responded in the affirmative and the plans were being laid.

Thursday I receive the confirmations that I will be on a 0700 flight to Sydney (there weren't any direct to Wollongong) where I would land, get a hire car, drive down to Port Kembla and meet with the respective team and leaders of the IS department.

Which I did, except there was a half hour delay getting into Sydney Airport, where we circled for at least 20 minutes, then once we landed, I got the hire car, drove down as fast as I could without breaking any laws (I hope!), and getting lost in the vastness of Port Kembla. So, I finally managed to find the place, I met the people, did my thing and after that, I had to drive back up to Sydney (via the Scenic route to look at the local area, check out a lovely cafe and beaches at Bulli and investigate local real estate) drop off the rental at the airport, rush into the City via train to get a lovely hat from Antons, rush back to the Airport, check in, get all but strip searched by the overzealous security guys after the bombings in London, get onto the plane ... and I should be relaxing now, shouldn't I?

It's about this time that the entire week came crashing down on me. The rigid pace I've been setting for myself, the stress, the pressure of the day, the lack of sleep of the previous night, the fact that I practically hadn't eaten or drunk all day and the gastro that has been sitting on the verge of exploding all week ... all decided to bite me in the ass just as we took off ...

It started off with a feeling of intense anxiety and nausea, followed by a wave of cold sweat and dizziness ... my ears felt like they were about to explode outwards from the changing pressure in the cabin and then we finally levelled out ... at this stage I thought, maybe if I go to the toilet, I can relieve some of that turbulence occurring within me, wash my face and get myself in order ... so I got up ... and promptly fainted in the aisle!

Next thing I know I'm stretched out across three seats, sucking on an oxygen tank being checked out by another passenger who's a GP.

So to all those on Flight QF451 that night - I apologise for disturbing what should have been a pleasantly dull flight down to Melbourne. Hopefully it gave you all an interesting story to tell your friends and family once you landed.

Well, that's all for me for now ... my partner is bitching about the length of time I'm taking for my brain-dump ... so I'm off to let her do her MBA homework ... even though I know she's more interested in checking out her SIMS2 websites.


Saturday, July 09, 2005

Saturday Night

So, here I am, waiting for my partner to get home from the MBA course. I've poured myself a balloon of Armagnac and sipping it while doing some blog surfing.

Admittedly, I don't usually get the chance as the computer is usually taken up by the other half for those MBA assignments or playing the SIMS 2. So when I do get the chance to use it myself, I try and catch up on my e-mail, deal with my mentees and then (maybe!) I'll get a chance to do something else.

So anyways, here I am sipping on my Chabot XO Armagnac and sorta wondering why I quit smoking? I mean I enjoyed it - health and money issues aside - I enjoyed the flavor, the feel, the entire experience ... A good Cuban or Dominican would go well with this Armagnac actually, maybe a Romeo y Julieta No. 2 de Luxe or a Montecristo No. 3 ... ah well, no use harping on about the past ...

... it is sad that here I am, torn between reading
Übermilf's piece on her clever cat, Lo Lo Lova telling it like it is, or finding out why All that porn isn't going to watch itself ... or whether to maybe just plonk myself in front of the idiot box ...

I'm only 31! I should be out dancing at a rave, hitting the clubs, going out to a cool café or having dinner with friends ... is this what a long term relationship does to you?

Bah! Now I've lost my track ... my sister called and she started babbling on about ... actually, god knows what about ... so now my head's been done in and I'm signing off ...


The frustration of my current role

It's a Saturday afternoon, and I'm exhausted to the bone! I was initially going to highlight the long and harrowing experiences of searching for work ... but instead a tirade of verbal diarrhea has spewed relating to my current employment, so, I've changed the title, and reformatted my expulsions and present them here without further ado:

I currently work in a well known entertainment establishment in Melbourne. I work for their IT department. I've been there for four years. In the last two, my frustrations have grown to the level that are causing me to be ill.

The Main Frustration - The last few years: On Frameworks, Strategies and Processes
The greater part of my frustration comes from the small shop mentality that our department suffers from.

On the one hand, as a company, we are proud that we are a billion-dollar-revenue company, with a worldwide reputation, impacting the lives of nearly 9000 employees.

On the other, we have an IT department that likes to use (often contradicting) phrases like:
    • the fact that our competitors have twice the IT staff with half the systems shows we are more advanced and streamlined
    • the fact that our competitors can achieve five-nine service levels and we can't shows that our staff are not as committed to services and require more management
    • we are too small to worry about enterprise architecture
    • we don't need a permanent [systems/solutions/technology/IT] architect the engineers can do it as part of their role
    • we can easily determine future directions organically based on the desires of the business and a committee of senior management, without the need for specialist IT staff to achieve this function.
Armed with that sort of mindset (and their PowerPoint based technology plan), it is virtually impossible to go forward with the argument for any form of framework (even something as rudimentary and simple as Zachman is too difficult and constraining for this place!) let alone considering true frameworks for the enterprise (such as TOGAF 8), process quality or management tools (like Six-Sigma) or any other form of best practice methodology (such as ITIL).

I'm continuously told to relax and stop worrying about things that are outside of my job role. It's the professional equivalent of the sexist and equally demeaning don't worry you're pretty little head about it!

So as a professional, one who is passionate about getting their job done, one who is about righting wrongs and trouble-shooting the department more than the iron and one who is constantly trying to improve their long-term work-life balance (even if it means destroying it in the short term) the whole situation is a screaming disaster.

I said it before ... I have to leave ... and that's what I'll do ... especially after ...

The Recent Frustration - The last 6 months: The story of Chucky's Bride
At the end of last year, things changed. For the worse.

A new "leader" was assigned to our team.

She came up into a senior IT management role after spending the last two years on the entertainment floor ... oh, but she has IT experience our illustrious leader assures us! After all she spent 16 years at a national bank in their mainframe division prior to working the floor ...

Now, what on God's good earth makes him think that she is capable to do the role? Because she can spin a big wheel in a mini? Well, whatever his reasons, he makes the team have lunch with her to see if there is compatibility. There wasn't. The team asked her questions, told her the state of play, judged her reactions and came to the same conclusions. GET SOMEONE ELSE!

We all expressed our concerns to our illustrious leader. I specifically mentioned that when I asked the question:
It's been two plus years since you were in the IT field, and even then it was in Mainframes, how do you think you will be able to handle and react in a team with technologies ranging from Midrange to desktops, Windows & Netware to Unix & SANS?

she chirpily responds with
Oh, it's no big deal! Nothing has changed in two years, and it all comes from Mainframes anyway ...

Our illustrious leader simply smiles and ignores our remarks.

We later hear he told the CIO that we were all very happy and felt positive about offering her the position.

Thus she was hired.

Thus our nightmare began.

Since then it's been month after excruciating month of being nano-managed; having meetings that run between twenty to fifty percent over their allocated time; having those meetings three to five times a day because a stray thought entered her head; having more meetings to re-explain to her the techniques, methods or technologies you are utilising that you explained in the last four meetings but she either didn't understand, interrupted you with other questions while you were explaining it or pretended she understood as she sat there nodding like a novelty toy sitting on the rear parcel shelf of a car!

When will it stop?

When will it all end?

When will they realise that she is driving the team insane?


I guess I always knew it ... really, I did. The illustrious leader has a boner for this wondrous glorified two-dollar-good-time-girl ... completely ignoring the range of commentary proffered by his peers and his staff over the last 6 months.

Well, enough about that ... the big wheel of justice will spin around ... eventually.

Oh, by the way, why "Chucky's Bride"?? Well, I did some research - and in speaking to members of her old area at that national bank, I soon discovered she was nick-named as such because she was approximatly the same height, her voice screeched with the same intensity, she kept trying to slash everything she didn't understand (and assumedly threatened by) and ran in the same stiff-legged style. They claim the department was re-structured primarily just so she could be made redundant - fancy that, eh?

There's no fixing this ... it's time to leave ... and so I shall ...


Friday, July 08, 2005

An introduction

Well, they did it!

They allowed me to have my own ranting space. Oh the fools! The poor miserable, misguided fools! Do they not realise that this is a dangerous proposition? The mere inconvenience of the thousands of complaint e-mails alone may not be a worry to those behind the great wall of technology ... but the lawyers won't like it!

So what is this blog about? NOTHING! I just really needed a place to rant, rave and brain-dump on a regular basis.

So why is it published? Because we have the technology! Because it can be! Because I need to express myself ... think of it as mental exhibitionism.

So why should you read it? There is no real reason why you should. In fact, don't! Stop it! right now!

Why are you still reading? Oh, I know, it's either because you're bored, mentally disturbed, or for some strange reason you find my rantings somewhat mildly amusing in some small way... Well, don't say I didn't warn you.